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DVB Week 2 #oneperday2023 #oneperday23

DVB102 Week 2

Images as Documentation
#oneperday23 #oneperday2023
I chose to document the change of my partner's bedside table during the week, drawing the top of the table and the different items left there and how they moved around throughout the week.
Image 6: Day One
In the class activity to practice and prepare for this week's activities, I drew a computer mouse, which really allowed me to focus in on a single object and study its lighting and forms.  I enjoyed this and felt very happy with the result of that exercise, so I thought I was prepared for a difficult task for this image set, but I was not.  Choosing such a large area with different colours and lights seemed complex and made me worry for the rest of the days.  Overall I was reasonably happy with how it looked, but found it hard to create fine details of such a large area.
Image 7: Day Two
Looking back on this, I am not satisfied with how it turned out, and found it hard to differentiate between different objects that were close together.  Next to the lamp was a crumpled up tissue that felt near impossible to accurately capture without restarting the drawing at a much larger scale.
Image 8: Day Three
Balancing different angles on the perspective made this drawing process incredibly challenging, and I don't think I succeeded in accurately representing the nightstand today, or most days of this exercise.  
Image 9: Day Four
On this day I really started to feel overwhelmed by the variety of shapes and tones needed.  I struggled a lot to differentiate between objects that were in the shadows and layered on top of each other, and found myself darkening areas just to help myself and create a definitive distinction between them.
Image 10: Day Five
The final day was a struggle, as there were a variety of objects that all had unique shapes and transparencies which were hard to capture.  If I could go back I would definitely pick a single object, as I found it a lot more enjoyable to draw a singular thing and look at how light reflected and darkened different areas.  The variety of objects and chaotic feeling of the table made it hard to focus on the details during drawing.
DVB Week 2 #oneperday2023 #oneperday23


DVB Week 2 #oneperday2023 #oneperday23


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